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Unlike religiously based terrorists, militia anxiety and paranoia specifically relating to the
year 2000 are based mainly on a political ideology.  Some militia members read significance into
2000 as it relates to their conception of the NWO conspiracy.
  The NWO conspiracy theory
holds that the United Nations (UN) will lead a military coup against the nations of the world to
form a socialist or One World Government.  UN troops, consisting mostly of foreign armies, will
commence a military takeover of America.  The UN will mainly use foreign troops on American
soil because foreigners will have fewer reservations about killing American citizens.  U.S. armed
forces will not attempt to stop this invasion by UN troops and, in fact, the U.S. military may be
"deputized” as a branch of the UN armed forces.  The American military contingent overseas will
also play a large part in this elaborate conspiracy theory, as they will be used to help conquer the
rest of the world.  The rationale for this part of the theory is that American soldiers will also have
less qualms about killing foreigners, as opposed to killing their own citizens.  
Under this hypothetical NWO/One World Government, the following events are to take
place:  1) private property rights and private gun ownership will be abolished; 2) all national, state
and local elections will become meaningless, since they will be controlled by the UN; 3) the U.S.
Constitution will be supplanted by the UN charter; 4) only approved churches and other places of
worship will be permitted to operate and will become appendages of the One World Religion,
which will be the only legitimate doctrine of religious beliefs and ethical values; 5) home schooling
will be outlawed and all school curriculum will need to be approved by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and 6) American military bases and
other federal facilities will be used as concentration camps by the UN to confine those patriots,
including the militias, who defy the NWO.  Other groups beside the UN that are often mentioned
as being part of the NWO conspiracy theory are Jews, Communists, the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission.  Law enforcement officials will
probably notice different versions of this theory, depending upon the source.
The NWO conspiracy theory is particularly relevant to the millennium because the year
2000 is considered to be a triggering device for the NWO due to the element of computer
breakdown.  Many computers around the world are based on a numerical system in which the
year is only registered by the last two digits.  A number of militia members accept the theory that
on January 1, 2000, many computers will misinterpret this date as January 1, 1900, and
malfunction and/or shut down completely.  They further believe that these major computer
malfunctions will cause widespread chaos at all levels of society- economic, social and political. 
This chaos will theoretically create a situation in which American civilization will collapse, which
will then produce an environment that the UN will exploit to forcibly take over the United States. 
Therefore, these militia members (as well as other groups) believe that the year 2000 will be the
catalyst for the NWO.  
Use of this term within militia circles became more common after President Bush starting using it to refer to the
state  of world affairs after the collapse of the USSR at the end of the Cold War and in the context of using international 
organizations to assist in governing international relations.  The term One World Government is also used as a 
synonym for the New World Order.
According to James Wickstrom, former leader of the defunct Posse Comitatus and
"Minister” of the True Church of Israel, anyone who holds any powerful political influence knows
that the Y2K crisis may be the final fuse that will lead to the NWO that "David Rockefeller and
the rest of his satanic jew seedline desire to usher in upon the earth.”
  He claims that Jews have
conspired to create the Y2K problem and that the prospect of impending computer failure is very
real.  Similarly, The New American, an organ of the ultraconservative John Birch Society,
speculates that the Y2K bug could be America’s Reichstag fire, a reference to the 1933 arson
attack on Germany’s Parliament building that was used by Hitler as an excuse to enact police state
laws.  Similar to this train of thought, Norm Olson, leader of the Northern Michigan Regional
Militia, believes constitutional rights probably will be suspended before the real crisis hits.  He
states: "It will be the worst time for humanity since the Noahic flood.”
However, there are some extremists who do not attach any major significance to the Y2K
problem.  In his article, "The Millennium Bug and ‘Mainstreaming’ the News," William Pierce of
the National Alliance tells his followers not to worry, or at least, not to worry very much about
the Y2K issue.  Pierce predicts that the main event that will occur on New Year’s Day 2000 is
that crazed millennialists will go "berserk when the Second Coming fails to occur.”  Also, "a few
right-wing nuts may launch a premature attack on the government, figuring that without its
computers the government won’t be able to fight back.”  Pierce claims that the lights will remain
on, and that airplanes will not fall from the sky.  He says that he is able to make such a prediction
with some degree of confidence because, "contrary to what some cranks would have you believe,
the computer professionals and the government have been working on the Y2K problem for some
Gun Control Laws
The passage of the Brady Bill and assault weapons ban in 1994 were interpreted by those
in the militia movement and among the right-wing as the first steps towards disarming citizens in
preparation for the UN-led NWO takeover.  Some are convinced that the registration of gun
owners is in preparation for a confiscation of firearms and eventually the arrest of the gun owners
themselves.  An article by Larry Pratt, Executive Director for Gun Owners of America, interprets
a 1995 UN study of small arms, done reportedly in cooperation with U.S. police, customs and
military services, as part of the UN’s plan to take over the U.S.  Pratt goes on to say that the "UN
is increasingly assuming the jurisdictional authority of a federal world government with the U.S.
as just one of scores of member states.  And gun control -- meaning civilian disarmament -- is
James P. Wickstrom, "Intelligence Update," October 1998, accessed at www.posse~comitatus.org.
See  Fall 1998 edition of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report, "Millennium Y2KAOS."
William Pierce, "The Millennium Bug and 'Mainstreaming' the News," accessed at www.natvan.com.
high up on the agenda of the UN.”
  Speculation like this only serves to fuel the already existing
paranoia of militia and patriot groups. 
The right-wing believes that many of the restrictions being placed on the ownership of
firearms today mirror events in The Turner Diaries.  In his book, Pierce writes about the United
States government banning the private possession of firearms and staging gun raids in an effort to
arrest gun owners.  The book discusses the government/police use of black men, assigned as
"special deputies” to carry out the gun raids.  Many members of the right-wing movement view
the book as prophetic, believing that it is only a matter of time before these events occur in real
In the aftermath of the school shootings in Littleton, Colorado, President Clinton,
Congress, and Attorney General Reno acted swiftly to propose new laws aimed at restricting the
sales of guns to juveniles and to close loopholes in existing laws.  In May 1999, the Senate passed
a bill to ban the importation of high capacity ammunition magazines and require background
checks for guns sold at gun shows.  In light of the enormous importance and prominent role that
extremist groups place on the Second Amendment, it is probable that recent government actions
aimed at controlling guns are perceived to be compelling signs of the UN-led NWO takeover.
Larry Pratt, "The United Nations: Pressing for U.S. Gun Control," accessed at www.gunowners.org
Christian Identity is an ideology which asserts that the white Aryan race is God’s chosen
race and that whites comprise the ten lost tribes of Israel.
  There is no single document that
expresses this belief system.  Adherents refer to the Bible to justify their racist ideals.  Interpreting
the Book of Genesis, Christian Identity followers assert that Adam was preceded by other, lesser
races, identified as "the beasts of the field” (Gen. 1:25).  Eve was seduced by the snake (Satan)
and gave birth to two seed lines:  Cain, the direct descendent of Satan and Eve, and Able, who
was of good Aryan stock through Adam.  Cain then became the progenitor of the Jews in his
subsequent matings with the non-Adamic races.  Christian Identity adherents believe the Jews are
predisposed to carry on a conspiracy against the Adamic seed line and today have achieved almost
complete control of the earth.
  This is referred to as the two-seedline doctrine, which provides
Christian Identity followers with a biblical justification for hatred.  
The roots of the Christian Identity movement can be traced back to British-Israelism, the
conviction that the British are the lineal descendants of the "ten lost tribes” of Israel.  It is a belief
that existed for some time before it became a movement in the second half of the 19th century. 
The writings of John Wilson helped to extend the idea of British-Israelism to Anglo-Israelism,
which included other Teutonic peoples -- mostly northern European peoples from Germany, Italy,
France and Switzerland.  British-Israelism was brought to America in the early part of the 1920s,
where it remained decentralized until the 1930s.  At that time, the movement underwent the final
transformation to become what we know as Christian Identity, at which time its ties to the
original English movement were cut and it became distinctly American.
Wesley Swift is considered the single most significant figure in the early years of the
Christian Identity movement in the United States.  He popularized it in the right-wing by
"combining British-Israelism, a demonic anti-Semitism, and political extremism.”
  He founded
his own church in California in the mid 1940s where he could preach this ideology.  In addition,
he had a daily radio broadcast in California during the 1950s and 60s, through which he was able
to proclaim his ideology to a large audience.  With Swift’s efforts, the message of his church
spread, leading to the creation of similar churches throughout the country.  In 1957, the name of
his church was changed to The Church of Jesus Christ Christian, which is used today by Aryan
Nations (AN) churches.
There were 12 tribes of Israel but they were divided into two different kingdoms after the death of King Solomon. 
The northern kingdom was called "Israel" and consisted of ten tribes and the southern kingdom was called "Judah" and was
comprised of two tribes.  There is a record of the two tribes making up the southern kingdom, but the ten northern tribes were
"lost" after they were conquered around 722 BC by the Assyrians.
Jeffrey Kaplan, Radical Religion in America (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1997), p. 47-48.
Michael Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right (Chapel Hill, N.C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1997),   
p. 60.
One of Swift’s associates, William Potter Gale, was far more militant than Swift and
brought a new element to Christian Identity churches.  He became a leading figure in the anti-tax
and paramilitary movements of the 1970s and 80s.  There are numerous Christian Identity
churches that preach similar messages and some espouse more violent rhetoric than others, but all
hold fast to the belief that Aryans are God’s chosen race.
Christian Identity also believes in the inevitability of the end of the world and the Second
Coming of Christ.  It is believed that these events are part of a cleansing process that is needed
before Christ’s kingdom can be established on earth.  During this time, Jews and their allies will
attempt to destroy the white race using any means available.  The result will be a violent and
bloody struggle -- a war, in effect -- between God’s forces, the white race, and the forces of evil,
the Jews and nonwhites.  Significantly, many adherents believe that this will be tied into the
coming of the new millennium.
The view of what Armageddon will be varies among Christian Identity believers.  Some
contend there will be a race war in which millions will die; others believe that the United Nations,
backed by Jewish representatives of the anti-Christ, will take over the country and promote a New
World Order.  One Christian Identity interpretation is that white Christians have been chosen to
watch for signs of the impending war in order to warn others.  They are to then physically
struggle with the forces of evil against sin and other violations of God’s law (i.e., race-mixing and
internationalism); many will perish, and some of God’s chosen will be forced to wear the Mark of
the Beast to participate in business and commerce.  After the final battle is ended and God’s
kingdom is established on earth, only then will the Aryan people be recognized as the one and true


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